To celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the UK Mathematics Trust (UKMT), a special challenge was set for some of our Year 7 students. The task aimed to encourage mathematical reasoning, precision of thought and fluency in using basic mathematical techniques and is an online, 45 minute, multi-choice challenge which saw our students deep in thought.
The questions ranged from finding the value of a missing angle in a triangle, fractions, identifying patterns, division and multiplication all of which were designed to challenge the way each student thinks. As well as building students’ understanding of the subject and developing problem-solving, students also used several HPL themes. In addition to having to use the theme of ‘linking’, whereby they had to make connections to prior learning, completion of the challenge also required perseverance, open-mindedness and hard work.
Everyone who participated will be receiving a certificate and notable performances include:
Will G: Best in school and Gold Award
Jack K: Gold Award
Aaron D: Silver Award
Jude H: Silver Award
Oliver D: Bronze Award
Matthew H: Bronze Award
This was a wonderful opportunity for our students to develop key skills and take part in a national, reputable challenge and we hope to enter our best problem solvers get the chance in the Junior Mathematical Challenge in April!