It was “Green Day” today at the Senior School, an event organised by a Sixth Form group called the “Changemakers”, with the aim of highlighting the issue of sustainability.
The “Changemakers” have been working on projects throughout the year to improve the sustainability of the school. On Green Day the main focus was to reduce our electricity consumption as much as possible, for example, by making the most of natural light and trying to minimise the use of computers.
The day began with an inspirational assembly led by Raechel Kelly, a sustainability consultant, who is currently working on the Planet Cheltenham Project. Planet Cheltenham exists to build a sustainable and resilient future for the town and to minimise its carbon footprint, by showcasing community climate solutions and empowering local people to act and support each other.
During the day there were some interesting conversations in lessons about environmental issues and the actions that can be taken to try and help conserve energy – the use of electric cars for example, was discussed as a way in which people can try and reduce their own carbon footprint.
It was also a non-uniform day for the students who were encouraged to come to school dressed in blue or green to show their support, for a suggested donation of £2. The money collected from the students will be going to The Woodland Trust, the UK’s largest woodland conservation charity.
Days such as this are a really important way for our students to expand their knowledge about real-world issues and discover some really simple things we can all do to make our world a better place.