
Music is a very exciting part of the School, and we are fortunate in having a large number of dedicated peripatetic teachers offering lessons in most musical instruments and musical theory.

Timetables are arranged throughout the day on a rotating system so that music students do not miss the same subject on a regular basis. 

Students who are interested in Music are asked to join one of the Choirs, Orchestra, Concert Band and other Music Ensembles. It is expected that all instrumental students will be involved in at least one co-curricular activity as is appropriate to the individual. 

Major performances held during the year include the Carol Service in Tewkesbury Abbey and the Pump Room Concert in the Spring Term. We have also previously performed in the Scratch Youth Messiah at the Royal Albert Hall. 

At many events, students have an opportunity to perform solo pieces (both instrumental and vocal) as well as orchestral and choral works. One of these opportunities is participating in the annual concert held in Cheltenham’s Pittville Pump Room at the end of the Spring Term. Informal concerts are held after school at regular intervals throughout the year.


In addition to regular curriculum Drama lessons, the School stages one main whole school production a year.

Click here to read our outstanding review of Legally Blonde by the National School Theatre Awards.

Productions & Clubs

We aim to provide a varied programme of school productions. Auditions are open to all students regardless of experience and usually take place early in September. Dates and times are advertised in Drama lessons, assemblies and through Form Tutors. Senior School productions take place in the Spring Term. Performances are usually on Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings. If the project is appropriate, sometimes we offer separate Lower School and Upper School productions.

The St Edward’s Stage Crew takes responsibility for the technical and backstage work in the School. This includes school plays, assemblies and many other events. Our Stage Crew take considerable but supervised responsibility during these major events and are as widely involved as possible backstage. The Stage Crew do not meet on a regular basis but come together for specific projects.

There are a range of drama activities on offer as part of our co-curricular programme of clubs and activities.

Private Lessons are available in Speech and Drama. Lessons take place before School in the morning, during lunchtime or after 4pm. Students have the opportunity to pursue the Grade Examinations of The London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art (LAMDA). These examinations are in Verse and Prose and/or Acting. There are also opportunities to participate in the Cheltenham Festival of Performing Arts.

Communicating and presenting in public are valuable skills for further education and adult life. Learning these at school gives students an advantage when entering university, as well as providing achievement and fun during their schooldays. UCAS points are awarded for success in Grades 6, 7 and 8.

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Lower School (Year 7-9)

Lower School (Year 7-9)

Upper School (Year 10 & 11)

Upper School (Year 10 & 11)

Sixth Form

Sixth Form





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