After School on Tuesday, four Upper Sixth students made their Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) Presentations to a small, socially distanced audience in the Drama Studio.
The EPQ is a standalone qualification designed to extend and develop skills in independent research and project management. It is an excellent taster of university-style learning which can, but does not have to, relate to an A Level subject that is being studied.
Head Girl, Harriet R, began proceedings presenting on her chosen subject of ‘Economics and the Environment’. Rahima B explored the topic of ‘Economics within the NHS’ and Kyle Y enlightened those present with a talk on FASD (Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders). The final presentation of the afternoon came from Grace R who had chosen to create a magnificent painting of a South Korean Palace and explained how it had evolved.
For the EPQ assessment students are required to provide evidence of all stages of project development and production. In addition to the delivery of a presentation about their work they also have to produce a 5000 word research project or an artefact, such as a piece of artwork with an accompanying shorter essay.
The EPQ is worth half an A Level and there are several major benefits to completing the qualification when it comes to applying to university. The completion of an EPQ provides clear evidence of the fact that students have interests and ability which go over and above the A Level syllabus. It provides a way for students to demonstrate that they are capable of undertaking the kind of independent reading, research, and essay writing that is the central to most undergraduate degrees, and is a useful way of helping to make a university application stand out.
Each of the students presenting on Tuesday demonstrated a huge depth of knowledge and their passion for their chosen topics was clear to see.