Languages Day took place on Friday and was the perfect way to end our inaugural International Week,
so-called to celebrate the international dimension of St Edward’s within which there are now 19 different nationalities, each represented by a large flag displayed in the Canopy (our School dining room). Students arrived in an array of colourful dress, each representing a country of their choice. In exchange for the privilege of wearing non-uniform, each student made a donation to the British Red Cross, who are celebrating their 150th anniversary this year.
All this week, as well as international-themed lunches in the Canopy, there have been a pleasing variety of language-linked cultural activities taking place within normal lessons. These included word derivations in English and Religious Studies, World Music Week in the Library, and studies of blues singers in Music. There was a whole host of things going on in Maths including: Year 9 working out the percentage of a selection of flags that were covered by each colour, Year 8 analysing statistics from all of our Home Nation teams playing in the Euros, and Year 7 looking at Olympic measures, watching record breaking performances and solving sports-based logic problems.
The Day of Languages itself began in traditional style with a European General Knowledge Quiz with overall winners being Form group 8A. In the other year groups 7H, 9F and 10H claimed the top spot respectively. The “best-dressed” final took place at the beginning of the day and first prize was awarded to Kim P (Year 7) with Kriti B (Year 8) coming a close second. Many different countries were represented and there was plenty of colour to brighten up a dull, wet day. Year 7 enjoyed Italian bingo at lunch time, again with prizes awarded.
A big feature of the day, and indeed of the week, has been the opportunity for students to sample another language and, as well as lessons in German and Italian delivered by our languages team, some lucky classes were also treated to Polish and Welsh sessions, kindly delivered by Messrs Pakula and Lewis. A range of short language masterclasses were also taught by some of our wonderful international students who did a fantastic job imparting some of their expert knowledge to their peers.
A huge thank you to all who led or participated in the various classes and activities on offer.