December 15th 2021
This term has seen many students take part in Inter-House competitions such as the House Cross Country which saw More House students take first place in Year 7, 8 and 10 and Newman House take first place in Year 9. This month the girls have been competing in House Hockey, with the boys taking on the challenge of House Rugby. Over the course of two weeks, there was lots of enthusiastic cheering as everyone showed off their skills and fought for House glory. The results are as follows:
Year 7:
- 1st Place: Newman
- 2nd Place: Fisher
- 3rd Place: More
Year 8:
- 1st Place: Newman
- 2nd Place: More
- 3rd Place: Fisher
Year 9:
- 1st Place: Fisher
- 2nd Place: More
- 3rd Place: Newman
Year 10:
- 1st Place: Fisher
- 2nd Place: Newman
- 3rd Place: More
- 1st Place: Fisher
- 2nd Place: More
- 3rd Place: Newman
Year 7:
- 1st Place: Newman
- 2nd Place: More
- 3rd Place: Fisher
Year 8:
- 1st Place: Newman
- 2nd Place: More
- 3rd Place: Fisher
Year 9:
- 1st Place: Fisher
- 2nd Place: More
- 3rd Place: Newman
Year 10:
- 1st Place: More
- 2nd Place: Newman
- 3rd Place: Fisher
- 1st Place: Fisher
- 2nd Place: More
- 3rd Place: Newman
Well done to everyone who took part! It was fantastic to see our students utilise their skills and demonstrate some impressive teamwork throughout the matches.