At the Senior School we relish the opportunity of forming links with local Primary and Prep Schools, where we can collaborate and share expertise and facilities with the aim of benefitting students at all of the schools involved.
In our recent partnerships, we have been working around the current social distancing restrictions and delivering workshops via Zoom. This week it was the turn of our specialist teachers in Drama and Biology to share their expertise with two local schools.
Our new Head of Drama, Mrs Monk, got stuck into delivering a workshop to Kitebrook Prep School in Moreton-In-Marsh. The session was titled ‘Using your voice and being a more confident speaker’ which was really well received, with the Kitebrook pupils engaging exuberantly with the activities. The group started with some breathing exercises – engaging their core and extending their breaths by counting, before adding movement. They then used vocal exercises to practise their pronunciation and projection. To round off the session the pupils were asked to stand opposite each other at a 2m distance and explain what they had done in the morning, projecting their voices and making sure that they pronounced each word nice and clearly.
In our second session, Mrs Fowler-Roberts demonstrated the dissection of a pig’s heart for the Year 6 children of Christchurch Primary School. The Christchurch pupils have been learning about the circulatory system in their recent Science lessons and were fascinated to see the inside of the organ ‘in real life’.
If you are a teacher at a local School and interested in a virtual workshop with us, please contact reception@stedwards.co.uk.