Year 11 Speak at Stride Darnley

Year 11 Speak at Stride Darnley

This week it was the turn of our Year 11 students to speak at a meeting of the Stride Darnley Society.

The Society, which has been in existence for well over ten years, meets on a regular basis and aims to foster public speaking and presentation skills.

During this week’s meeting, an audience of staff members and Year 11 students heard two fantastic presentations from Sophie E and Molly A.

Sophie spoke about her interest in space exploration, including the many missions leading up to the first moon landing. She spoke with excellent clarity and gave a well-rounded explanation of the many improvements made along the way, along with the unfortunate accidents that prompted important safety improvements, still in use today.

Molly A also impressed those present with her in-depth knowledge and passion for her chosen topic – film making. She gave a detailed explanation of the process involved, right from conception to the box-office.

It was clear that a lot of hard work had been put into each of the presentations, which were well received by the audience and prompted lots of interesting questions from the floor.

Presentation skills are extremely useful, both in and outside the classroom. After completing a project, presentations can be a fantastic way for students to share what they have learnt. It is also a chance for the speakers to challenge and expand on their understanding of the topic by answering questions from the audience. In the world of work, a confident presenter is able to inform and persuade colleagues effectively, so taking part in activities such as Stride Darnley, are an effective way of helping our students prepare for the future.

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Year 11 Speak at Stride Darnley